The Media are great people, but the media does not only include great people. Any transmitting Or distributing of a medium, is media. Medium is the original word.
To be transparent, we become sick when we depend on modern media.
Moses had to write down and preserve, for a coming generation, the laws of God inscribed on tablets of stone.
Not just to hear what our Abba Father does, but also what God does.
Apostle Paul writes those precious marvels of literature which matters so much.
Magazines like ours find a small group of appreciators in itself ,
then the Lord takes the magazine or literature out where He wants.
He doesn't do it because of our excellence in teaching or in our ability to write.
The first press was the Gutenberg press. We have come a long way from Gutenberg to Google.
Goldsmith and inventor Johannes Gutenberg was a political exile from Mainz, Germany when
he began experimenting with printing in Strasbourg, France in 1440. He returned to Mainz
several years later and by 1450, had a printing machine perfected and ready to use commercially:
The Gutenberg press.May 7, 2018 ( Source Wikipedia)
The Bible is the most transparent medium and the Word of God.
Many have been baptized, saved, and brought to repentance all because
of their honest interactions with this HONEST media.
The ONLY honest media.
The most transparent medium THAT CAME IN THE FLESH is our Jesus.
In whom the living God lives and transmits His Love to a coming generation.
That we may all be one in Him, through His Son Jesus.
Our challenge then, is to be a prefect media for others to see the One abiding in us with all Joy.
A new man was "installed" in us for this purpose; that He, our God may reside in us.
We are therefore, His medium through His son.
Let us look at Paul's life and example.
He preached God's Word through revelation.
He taught God's Word from what he had received.
He dared not add or subtract.
An excellent example indeed.
Paul's letters are still there, intact for us to see and read and interact. My favorites.
The gospels are that which are again gold for us to treasure.
Paul prophesied, as we see in scripture.
One such written prophesy is to his (spiritual) son Timothy in
2 Timothy 3:16.
Paul was faithful to what was received. He was open and exclusive.
At the same time, he had private messages as well which could be
seen, read and understood by anyone.
Were Paul's letters not misunderstood as well?
God is raising up a cloud of witnesses in our generation as well.
Homogenous, transparent and faithful. Let us and our children be so
a faithful cloud of witnesses that need no external help to propagate
the message of the One living in us.
Here are some characteristics of homogenous media:
1. Homogeneity
Means made of one substance through and through.
The world is losing the race fast. With travel and speed of daily life at its peak, and more frequent intermingling; such is to be expected.
However, we who have received grace upon grace, and have the lover of our soul amongst us like the Lilly of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon amongst the thorns, have our inner man installed by grace and after the new birth.
(I would call him - this inner man - our most treasured friend here in this world.)
This inner man is created in the image of God and will have all the characteristics of Almighty God.
2. Accountability to God, man and church.
3. Living a mortal life knowing we will have persecutions, even death, for its sake.
4. Faithfulness to preach as directed by the Lord even to the smallest dot, comma and sentence.
5. Closer to the original Author and Finisher of our faith (and all communications.)
And Many more.
Let us start now.